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Kiwanis Code of Conduct


Be encouraging,
Promote kindness,
Support each other,
Assume goodness.


Be a good listener,
Acknowledge what the other person is saying,
Let them know you heard them,
Don’t interrupt,
Be aware of your non-verbal communication

Give and Receive Feedback Constructively

Employ the SBI (situation-behavior-impact) model,
Use a ratio of 4:1 - four positive comments to one corrective comment,
Align your intentions and impact on others,
Recognize the contributions of other members.

High Performing Team

If you say you are going to do something - do it,
Be consistent and predictable,
Hold yourself and each other accountable,
It’s not about who gets the credit,
Debrief events (what went right/what could be improved on) effectively,
Be courteous during disagreements - courtesy rules the day!


Come together to succeed,
Accomplish our mission of helping kids and making a difference in our community,
Speak the truth,
Consider the perspective of those we serve.

No Guilt Club

No judgment,
Members are expected to contribute what they can,
If a member wants to be involved in a project - he/she can do so,
Remember everyone has limitations to what they can do.


Great attitude,
Sense of humor,
Have fun,
Maintain optimism,
No drama.


Thoughtfully consider a person’s idea before responding,
No harshness,
Don’t be short with each other,
Encourage people to give their opinions,
Respect the role of the person who has taken responsibility for a project.

Weekly Meetings:

Wednesdays at 6:45 AM 

Roy's Crew BBQ 

720 Browning Ave, Woodland Park, CO 80863 

Roy's BBQ


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